The One-Line-Per-Day, One-Page Plain Text Daily Journal

I discovered the perfect solution to keeping a digital daily journal: one plain text file, with one line per day that sums up the most significant event(s) of that day.

Read on to learn how I use it, and how it fits into my plain-text journaling system.

Continue reading “The One-Line-Per-Day, One-Page Plain Text Daily Journal”

Yearly Recaps: A Monthly, Contextual, Plain-Text Journaling System

While I regularly maintain a daily journal, and do so in plain text (while also keeping a concurrent journal in the Momento app on my iPhone for the search and tagging features), often I find that I never actually read any of the old entries. Which is fine, as I mostly just like the habit of recording the information. Recently, I developed a system that is proving to be immensely useful. Continue reading “Yearly Recaps: A Monthly, Contextual, Plain-Text Journaling System”

Append Text File With Hazel, Automator & Shell Scripts

I love the Drafts app for the iPhone, and I love automating stuff. The downside to using Drafts is that the workflows I’ve set up aren’t possible with any software on the Mac. I cobbled together some methods to achieve at least the one most common task I have, appending info to a master plain-text log file on Dropbox. Here’s how I did it.

[UPDATE 2017-12-30: here’s the companion article on prepending text files]

Continue reading “Append Text File With Hazel, Automator & Shell Scripts”

Quickly Launch Drafts from Notification Center Via Launch Center Pro

I’m always looking for more ways to use Drafts on my iPhone, as well as more ways to access it. I discovered a way to have access via the Notification Center list using Launch Center Pro. I doubt I’m the first to write about this, but thought I’d share anyways.

Continue reading “Quickly Launch Drafts from Notification Center Via Launch Center Pro”

Drafts: Idea Inbox

Drafts is an “idea Inbox”. Launch the app, type your text, and then decide where it needs to go or be used. You can send it in an email or a text message, post to Twitter or update your Facebook status. Send the text off as a new note in Evernote or save it as a text file to Dropbox. You can hand it off to the clipboard or other writing apps, and it’s the fastest way you’ve ever entered a new event in the calendar app.

Drafts launches fast so you get the idea down first, and then decide what to do with it. After you use it about three times, you’ll wonder how long before Apple will buy the developer out and add it to iOS.

Check out my tips for using Drafts.